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John Trousdale Coffee


Basic Information

John Trousdale Coffee
14 December 1818
Smith County, Tennessee
23 May 1890
Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas
Time In Service
From: Not Specified
To: Not Specified


Confederate States of America (American Civil War)
Branch of Service
Not Specified
Not Specified
Not Specified
Not Specified
Current Status
Not Specified

Service Record

American Civil War
Not Specified

Honors & Awards

Not Specified

Biography of Col. John T Coffee

Four months after his death in Texas on May 23, 1890, a Missouri weekly newspaper, the Greenfield Dade County Advocate, carried an obituary about John Trousdale Coffee. The obituary mentioned that "much of Col. Coffee's life was connected with this city...there are scarcely any here who do not know something of him personally or by reputation. (1) What the readers of the obituary remembered or knew concerned Coffee's years as a Mason, as an attorney, as a politician and as a leader of Confederate cavalry during the terrible years of the Civil War. Some Dade Countians also would have remembered Coffee as a hard-drinking and oft-married man noted for his "positive convictions" on many subjects. But the most vivid recollections of the people would pertain to Coffee's military exploits as a successful recruiter for the Confederate cause and for his troop of cavalry which rambled back and forth through Missouri and Arkansas. Coffee's men, during this perilous time, had caused Union sympa...   [ Read more » ]

Epitaphist added this on 16 Apr 2013

Col. John T. Coffee

Epitaphist added this on 17 Apr 2013